«Begin at the beginning», the King said gravely,«Then proceed straight through to the end, then stop» (Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland) |
Serious Games Market
Algumas sugestões e aplicações bem demonstrativas de que os videojogos são bem mais do que «mero entretenimento», abrangendo já a quase totalidade das áreas de educação e aprendizagem. Trata-se de um Blog criado e desenvolvido por uma Arquitecta e especialisrta em «Urban Studies»: Eliane Alhadeff.
«Serious Games are now successfully being developed and deployed all over the world and for a variety of applications. MMO, single player, mobile, PC, hand-held or even console, SG deliver by utilizing leading-edge technology, design and skills to address intractable issues that defense agencies, engineering organizations, and first responders have...
...whilst corporations and schools are finding them invaluable as learning content - and NGOs and marketing organizations find that their message are conveyed in a more productive and enjoyable way. As developers seek to find ways to make the market work for them, which implies new ways of doing business, raising capital, distributing, and selling product, shaping Serious Games from a movement into an emerging multi-billion dollar market, the SERIOUS GAMES MARKET BLOG will be digging the best of Serious Games promising market.»
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